Category Archives: Kickstarter

Become A Journalism Hero. Support The Curbing Cars Project

Curbing Cars is a crowd-funded, independent journalism project. The more money we raise, the more journalism we can produce.

We’re grateful to the backers of our two Kickstarter campaigns. The first one produced the Curbing Cars eBook, which is the best-selling eBook in the Forbes Signature Series.

The second is paying for the weekly newsletter that we began sending to our subscribers this month.

And, we’re now beginning to get contributions from people who missed out on our latest Kickstarter, but want to help.

Would you like to be among them? We have some thank you gifts.

  • For a $10 donation, receive the Curbing Cars Newsletter on Sunday night, before it is delivered to other subscribers on Monday morning.
  • For a $75 donation, receive a copy of the Curbing Cars eBook, published by Forbes.
  • For a $500 donation, a Curbing Cars staff member will brief your team or organization about the future of transportation (subject to availability).

If you would like to support Curbing Cars via check, email us at, and we’ll share our address.

Feel free to share any suggestions for obtaining grants or other funding, at the same email address.

Crowd funding is in our DNA. Our first Curbing Cars Kickstarter was successfully funded on Aug. 12, 2013. Thank you to our 124 donors who helped us exceed our goal. Our second Kickstarter exceeded its goal on April 18, 2017. We’re grateful to our 59 backers, who now receive their weekly newsletter each Sunday night.

You can be among them. Click the “Donate” button above.

We’d love to have your support for our independent journalism. Thank you.

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Filed under funding, Kickstarter

We’re Coming Back! Curbing Cars Returns With Our Newsletter And More

Curbing Cars is getting back on the road. Beginning Monday, May 1, we’ll publish a weekly newsletter with original journalism about the future of transportation. We pick up where the internal combustion engine leaves off — unless that engine is in a self-driving vehicle.

Sign up for the Curbing Cars Newsletter now so you won’t miss anything. Email us with tips or ideas at

We especially want to hear personal stories about the way you’re using all types of transportation. And, tell us if there’s a transportation debate going on where you live. We may come and cover it!

We’d also love it if you’d follow us on Twitter @curbingcars and on Facebook at Curbing Cars.

We recently completed our second successful Kickstarter. But, we’d welcome your contributions. They all go to support our independent journalism. See the donation link in the sidebar.

Be sure to check our site often for updated information and resources about all the ways we get around. And come back Monday to see us get back on the road.

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Filed under Kickstarter, media

The Happiest Photo We Can Imagine

KickstarterBy Micheline Maynard

Thank you. And now, the journey continues.

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Filed under Curbing Cars, Kickstarter

Curbing Cars: As Seen In Monday’s New York Times

By Micheline Maynard

You’ve come to the right place. This is the Curbing Cars project that was mentioned in Monday’s New York Times Wheels blog.

Jim Motavalli looks at the University of Michigan study that says driving has been declining in the United States since 2004. There are a number of reasons, which make up what we’re studying at Curbing Cars, and Jim called to ask me about it.

Here’s some of what I had to say:

In an interview, Micheline Maynard, former Detroit bureau chief for The New York Times and author of a coming book called “Curbing Cars: Rethinking How We Get Around,” said, “Driving is definitely down, though I would certainly not say the auto industry is going away. I think it can maintain 15-million annual sales years in the United States for some time to come, although some people were predicting we’d be at 20 million vehicles by now.”

If you’re interested in this all-important subject, please support our Kickstarter, which is providing seed money for our ebook and research. We’d also love to hear your personal stories about driving less. And thanks.

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Filed under Curbing Cars, Driving, Kickstarter

Bikes In Paris, Streetcars in Minneapolis, Sharing Rides In San Francisco

A Velib station in Paris. Photo via Wiki Images.

A Velib station in Paris. Photo via Wiki Images.

Paris is the world’s top city for bike sharing. A Velib is checked out every minute of every day. And, there’s one bike for every 87 Parisians.

Minneapolis is thinking about putting streetcars back in service, and it’s just one of a number of cities around the world that are embracing new public transit programs.

Were you caught by the BART strike in San Francisco, and checked out Uber for the first time? Maybe you used it to get home when the subway flooded in Toronto this summer.

These are the kinds of stories that Curbing Cars is covering. We’ve made it our mission to tell you how people are rethinking how they get around.

You can find Curbing Cars all over the place: on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and our new Jalopnik blog. Soon, we’re going to publish our Curbing Cars ebook, where we’ll all these things and come to some predictions about what they mean for the future of transportation.

Won’t you support our Kickstarter? We’d like to reach our $10,000 goal by Aug. 12. That’s not much time. But we can get there with your help. Click here to make a pledge. Continue reading

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Filed under bike sharing, Curbing Cars, Kickstarter, public transportation, ride sharing

Introducing The Curbing Cars EBook Kickstarter

By Micheline Maynard

We’re proud to announce the Curbing Cars project on Kickstarter. We’re asking for your support to fund the Curbing Cars Ebook, which we expect will be published in early 2014. Please check it out here. Kickstarter logo

Our Kickstarter has some fun rewards, but most of all, we’re using it as a way to hear from you. The stories you tell us and the ideas that you give us will make the Curbing Cars Ebook an even richer experience.

We know people are driving less, and finding alternatives to owning automobiles. It might be a fad, but it also might be a sea change. The Curbing Cars Ebook will look at what this means for us economically, socially, environmentally and industrially. What will the new role be for the car companies? What are our expectations from city planners? And, can people get back on bicycles if they haven’t ridden since they were kids?

Please take a look at our Kickstarter. It will be live until Monday, August 15. We thank you with all our hearts for your support.

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Filed under Curbing Cars, Kickstarter