Curbing Cars: Rethinking How We Get Around is a crowd-funded journalism project looking at changing attitudes toward personal transportation.
We’ve done two rounds of crowdfunding to support our projects.
Curbing Cars completed its initial fundraising on Kickstarter in August 2013, and our first eBook was published in 2014 by Forbes. It’s the best selling title in the Forbes Signature Series.
In March, 2017, Curbing Cars successfully raised funds through Kickstarter for its weekly newsletter, which we plan to begin distributing in May, 2017.
We are not anti-car. Rather, we’re a resource for everything that has to do with mobility. We pick up where the internal combustion engine leaves off.
We’re especially interested in trends among young people as well as the concept of “driving light.” That means relying on a mix of transportation that includes personal cars, as well as bicycling, bike sharing, car sharing, public transit, and walking.
Look to us for stories and links about everything from auto companies to Uber and Lyft, public transportation systems to complete streets. We’re also interested in the shift from shopping to delivery services, and want to know what will be next in drones.
Curbing Cars is exploring at what these changes mean for cities and communities, and we’re studying what all this means to the future of the auto industry. We see transportation as a spectrum, not as a single choice, and our journalism focuses on all the aspects of getting around.
Read more about what led to the creation of Curbing Cars, our work and the social trends that prompted the project, in this cover story in the Columbia Journalism Review.
Want to join our mailing list? Email us at We’ll keep you up to date on Curbing Cars articles and activities. Our newsletter will be available soon.
Curbing Cars Founder and Editor Micheline Maynard is available to speak with your news organization or group, in person, Web chat, or Skype or Google Chat. Please email her at for more information.